L. Clensy Appavoo
Chief Executive Officer & Senior Partner
About L. Clensy Appavoo
Clensy Appavoo is the Chief Executive. HeĀ is the founder and CEO of HLB Mauritius which specialises in Finance, Management & Development. Clensy is a Fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), he holds an MBA from Oxford University and a degree in Computer Science and Data Management.Ā He provides leadership to the team and ensures the proper conduct of operations. He is also responsible of business development and is the liaison person with our International Network HLB International.
Clensy is member of different strategic committees which include the Investment Committee of the National Pension Fund, the SMP Committee of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA). At International level, he is the Leader of 'Not-for Profit' business advisory sector for HLB

MBA from Oxford University
Degree in Computer Science and Data Management

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