Statutory Audit
We keep ourselves up-to-date with changes in reporting framework and are fully conversant with the application and implications of International Financial Reporting Standards to Financial Statements.
We focus on quality based audit. Our quality control procedures for specific types of engagements are based on the pronouncements of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and we apply International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). We abide by good governance principles and have in place a tailored Quality Control Manual and procedures to ensure quality deliverables on audit (and other) engagements.
Apart from statutory audit for companies, we also specialize in special purpose audits (called assurances) for businesses and organizations ,i.e, review reports, limited review reports, agreed upon procedures and other such services as due diligence and business investigations.
Our client base for audit consists of domestic Companies as well as offshore Companies ranging from a panoply of sectors like commerce, manufacturing and trade and offshore investments, hospitality etc.
Internal Audit
We advocate preventive process-based auditing over inspection-based auditing to help our clients create value instead merely protecting it. Our comprehensive internal audit solutions include:
- Co-sourcing and outsourcing services
- Setting up of your internal audit function
- Risk profiling and development of an internal audit plan
- Review and reporting on internal controls
- Corporate governance advisory
As a firm specialised in statutory audit and business advisory, our numerous interventions have highlighted the present inefficiency of management control systems in companies and sectors one would not suspect. Such faults usually result in infinite management issues such as incomplete financial reporting and delays, wrong allocation of resources, overstaffing, ineffective debtors? control, and in extreme cases, frauds.
We advise clients about current risks and we develop management control systems to upgrade their work environment towards more transparency.
IFRS Compliance
During the last decades, there have been significant improvements in financial reporting practices in Mauritius. We help our Clients to stay compliant with the Financial Reporting Act, enacted in 2004 under the aegis of the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) and Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountants (MIPA) and with other legislations such as the Companies Act, Banking Act, and Insurance Act which have specific financial reporting requirements.
Our reporting specialists, equipped with the depth of knowledge and breadth of experience for having successfully implemented IFRS in many corporate and government bodies, have the following solutions for you:
- A smooth IFRS implementation
- An effective and efficient conversion for first time adopters of IFRS
- Assistance to your finance function with advice on complex technical accounting and financial reporting issues
- Valuation and impairment of financial instruments
- Business combinations and preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements
- Tailored IFRS training for your in-house finance function
- An IFRS help desk
- Regular updates on IFRS

Whatever your question our global team will point you in the right direction