Notre Groupe

Pourquoi l'île Maurice
La République de Maurice est un petit État insulaire niché dans l'océan Indien entre l'Afrique et le sous-continent indien. Un pays démocratique basé sur le modèle de Westminster du Royaume-Uni. Maurice considère différentes distinctions comme un pays à «revenu élevé». Le tableau ci-dessous illustre certaines des réalisations nationales de Maurice.
1 | World Bank Doing Business 2020 | 13 out of 190 countries | 1st |
2 | Global Competitiveness Index 2019 – World Economic Forum | 54 out of 140 countries | 1st |
3 | Corruption Perceptions Index 2019 - (Transparency International) | 52 out of 180 countries | 3rd |
4 | International Property Rights Index 2019 | 40 out of 128 countries | 1st |
5 | Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance 2019 | - | 1st |
6 | Press Freedom Index 2019 - (Reporters without Borders) | 58 out of 180 countries | 5th |
7 | The A.T. Kearney Global Services Location Index 2019 | 30 out of 50 countries | 2nd |
8 | 2018 Index of Economic Freedom - (Heritage Foundation) | 25 out of 180 countries | 1st |
9 | Economic Freedom of the World 2019- (Fraser Institute) | 8 out of 162 countries | 1st |
10 | Human Development Index 2019 | 66 out of 188 countries | 2nd |
11 | Democracy Index 2019 – The Economist Intelligence Unit – Full Democracy | 17 out of 167 countries | 1st |
12 | Mercer’s 2019 Quality of Living Survey | 83 out of 230 countries | 1st |
13 | Forbes Survey of Best Countries for Business 2019 | 39 out of 161 countries | 1st |
14 | The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness 2019 | 54 out of 136 countries | 1st |
15 | Social Progress Index 2019 | 44 out of 149 countries | 1st |